Biblioteca Libros

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Quiero Ser Granjero

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Quiero Ser Granjero

This book tells the story of farmers and life on a farm. What do farmers do? What tools and equipment do they use? Who helps them? Livestock, crops and daily chores are perfectly captured in descriptive photography. With full-color, full-page photographs throughout plus straightforward and engaging text, the I Want to Be ... series is an appealing introduction to a broad spectrum of occupations. The series gives young children a realistic insight into the working day of adults. Easy-to-read captions and color photographs of women and men from different cultures help children understand what's involved in each occupation. Young readers learn to respect the importance of doing a job well and appreciate the contributions these workers make to our life and the world around us. These books are perfect for reading alone or in group story times. They are certain to spark questions and encourage dialogue and prompt children to learn more about these occupations.

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Total de páginas 24



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Quiero Ser Policia

Libro Quiero Ser Policia

Full color, full-page photographs throughout with straightforward and engaging text, the I Want to Be... series is an appealing and engaging introduction to a broad spectrum of occupations. The I Want to Be... series gives young children a realistic insight into the working day of adults. Easy-to-read captions and color photographs of women and men from different cultures help children understand what's involved in each occupation. Young readers learn to respect the importance of doing a job well and appreciate the contributions these workers make to our life and the world around us. These...

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Libro Mis Primeras Oraciones Con Jesus = First Prayers with Jesus

This appealing small format prayer book includes a version of the Lord's Prayer, and other prayers inspired by the words of Jesus, written to be accessible to under 5s. Melanie Mitchell's cuddly illustrations will help little children empathize with the sentiment of the prayers, providing a warm and soft focus as adult and child share these special words together. This book publishes in series with "First Prayers at Bedtime," which includes much-loved traditional prayers and blessings and versified psalms rewritten for young children.

Atención al cliente

Libro Atención al cliente

Este libro desarrolla los contenidos del módulo profesional de Atención al Cliente del Título Profesional Básico en Cocina y Restauración, perteneciente a la familia profesional de Hostelería y Turismo, según el Real Decreto 127/2014, de 28 de febrero. Atención al cliente comienza introduciéndonos en el mundo de la comunicación. Nos adentra en sus elementos, el proceso comunicativo, las barreras que pueden surgir y los tipos de comunicación que es necesario conocer para fomentar la motivación tan necesaria en la atención al cliente. A continuación, se centra en la actuación del ...


Libro O

O es un buen título, desde luego. Suena corto y rotundo, juguetón, es fácil de recordar, y tiene algo de ese enigma indescifrado de los relatos de Alejandro Pedregosa. Historias breves, intensas, portentosas, escritas con la maestría de un artesano minucioso, y que traen un lejano regusto de leyenda, de fábula moral y atribulada. Un retablo de personajes de una existencia efímera que aparecen tras el telón y que saludan desde el escenario antes de enfrentarse a su destino, trágico a veces, con la resignación del penitente. Todo narrado con un estilo preciso y elegante, nunca exento...

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