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¿Qué hay en el bosque?

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Libro ¿Qué hay en el bosque?

Many things can be found in the woods. Some you need to watch out for. Find out about what can be found in the woods. Paired to the fiction title Billy’s Camping Trip.

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Titulo Alternativo : What's in the Woods?

Total de páginas 16



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57 Valoraciones Totales

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Dientes de animales

Libro Dientes de animales

Animals do not brush their teeth, but they still have ways to keep their teeth clean. Read to find out how. Paired to the fiction title Going to the Zoo.

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Libro Conoce a Cristbal Coln

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Arte para Todos

Libro Arte para Todos

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Libro Increíble pero real: Criaturas diminutas (Strange but True: Tiny Creatures) 6-Pack

Readers will learn about arachnids, insects, arthropods, and even parasites in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Featuring photos of these tiny creatures (some up to 100 times their normal size!), informational text, a glossary, and an index to aid in vocabulary development, this book will have children eager to learn more about these tiny creatures and the big impact they have on human life! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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