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¿Surgió algo bueno tras la Gran Depresión? (Did Anything Good Come Out of the Great Depression?)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¿Surgió algo bueno tras la Gran Depresión? (Did Anything Good Come Out of the Great Depression?)

While the Great Depression was indisputably a difficult period in American history, it did lead to certain developments that we still benefit from today. One for the most significant examples of this is Social Security, which helps a whole generation of retired Americans. The book offers a concise description of the Great Depression, including analysis of its causes and its effects. Chapters focus on different aspects of the period, including culture, the arts, and science and technology. The dynamic design displays images of posters and experiences from the Depression era. This informative, multifaceted history of the period brings the Great Depression into sharp focus for today's students.

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Total de páginas 48


  • Emma Marriott


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