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Las aventuras de Dani y Evan 6. El pliosaurio fantasma

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Las aventuras de Dani y Evan 6. El pliosaurio fantasma

Un gigantesco depredador ha destruido el embarcadero de Wala wala, y Bizcoché, Dani y Evan se sumergen en las oscuras aguas del Santuario para descubrir qué es. A bordo de Canelo 1, el sumergible que ha inventado el profesor, explorarán las profundas aguas jurásicas. Verán mosasaurios, megalodones, plesiosauros... ¡y al temibe Depredador X! ¿Podrán escapar? ¡Descúbrelo en esta trepidante aventura!

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Más libros de Las Aventuras De Dani Y Evan

Las aventuras de Dani y Evan 4. El misterio de la Walanga

Libro Las aventuras de Dani y Evan 4. El misterio de la Walanga

Dani y Evan quieren ganar la Walanga. Deberán ser los mejores en las pruebas de escalada, resistencia y valentía. ¡La competición está muy reñida! Pero hay alguien que tiene otros planes: expulsarles del Santuario. ¿Podrán Dani y Evan escapar de sus trampas? ¿Ganarán la Walanga? No esperes ni un minuto más para descubrirlo... ¡empieza la aventura!

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Cómo ayudar a un amigo que está siendo intimidado (Helping a Friend Who Is Being Bullied)

Libro Cómo ayudar a un amigo que está siendo intimidado (Helping a Friend Who Is Being Bullied)

A 2014 report by the US Department of Education found that 22 percent of students ages twelve to eighteen had experienced bullying. This cogent narrative provides readers with supportive methods to help a friend who is being bullied and to promote a bully-free learning environment at school. Physical, social, psychological, and verbal bullying are examined, as well as cyberbulling. Readers discover the consequences of bullying both as a target and as a bystander. They also consider ways to intervene in a bullying situation, how to seek adult help, and how to be empowered and recover from...

Los Insectos

Libro Los Insectos

A digital solution for your classroom with features created with teachers and students in mind: - Perpetual license - 24 hour, 7 days a week access - No limit to the number of students accessing one title at a time - Provides a School to Home connection wherever internet is available - Easy to use - Ability to turn audio on and off - Words highlighted to match audio This colorful book introduces readers to several common insects.

Tamaños / Sort It by Size

Libro Tamaños / Sort It by Size

Small and large, short and tall, little and big, these are all words that help us describe size. This math concepts volume doesn't just "tell"; it shows early learners the difference between concepts, introduces them to synonyms, and helps them learn to sort a group according to size. Classification is an important concept for the early elementary mathematics student, but the text and photographs in this book, including dogs, fish, and birds, make it fun!

Viaje al centro de la Tierra (A Trip to the Center of the Earth)

Libro Viaje al centro de la Tierra (A Trip to the Center of the Earth)

If we could take a trip to the center of the Earth, what would we find? In this amazing book readers can do just that with the help of a special ship that can handle the extreme heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s crust. Digging through a few miles of the crust is just the start of the nearly 4,000-mile journey to Earth’s core. Readers might be surprised to find that not all of the trip is through solid rock, as the intense heat does strange and amazing things to the material that makes up our planet!

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