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Donde esta Wally? / Where's Waldo?

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Donde esta Wally? / Where's Waldo?

Una aut�ntica aventura art�stica en la que habr� que encontrar 30 retratos, escondidos en las distintas exposiciones y enmarcarlos con las pegatinas que aparecen en las p�ginas finales. Y por si esto fuera poco, habr� que buscar tambi�n a Wally, a Woof, a Wenda, al mago Barbablanca y a Odlaw, sin olvidarnos de los pasatiempos. Todo ello convierte este libro en el t�tulo m�s divertido de la serie Wally. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Ever the globe-trotter, Waldo is eager to show you his pictures. But not so fast, you have to find them first! Enter Odlaw's Picture Gallery and admire thirty peculiar portraits, then try to track down their subjects in the maddeningly intricate scenes that follow. Once you've got the picture, handy stickers in the back let you render it suitable for framing. But your challenge is just beginning! There are hidden characters and objects to hunt for, spot-the-difference spreads, silhouettes to match with originals, and plenty more.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : A La Caza Del Cuadro Escondido / the Great Picture Hunt

Total de páginas 32


  • Martin Handford


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