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¿Qué son los medios? ebook

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Libro ¿Qué son los medios? ebook

This Spanish nonfiction book gives students a close-up look at media by exploring all forms and how it plays an important role in society. Ideal for young readers, the book includes a glossary and a short fiction piece related to the topic. Students will learn to tell the difference between facts and opinions with this exciting book and the accompanying extension activity. This 32-page full-color Spanish book defines media, explains how to separate fact from fiction. It also covers important ideas like democracy and censorship, plus includes an extension activity for grade 3. Perfect for the classroom, at-home learning, or homeschool to discover about bias, sharing information, and the history of media.

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Mentes inquietas

Libro Mentes inquietas

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Episodios extraordinarios del ingenio humano

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