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La vida de una mariposa / A Butterfly's Life

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Libro La vida de una mariposa / A Butterfly's Life

Explore the lifecycle of a butterfly and learn about the transformation of caterpillars into beautiful butterflies. The connection to language arts is the rich vocabulary related to butterflies, caterpillars, and their transformations.

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Total de páginas 16



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Libro ¡Sin resolver! Misterios de la historia (Unsolved! History's Mysteries) 6-Pack

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Otros libros de la categoría Juvenil No Ficción

Polifemo, el cíclope

Libro Polifemo, el cíclope

Este libro es el tercero de la colección de Mitología para todas las edades donde presentaremos el mito del cíclope Polifemo. En él se narran las aventuras de Odiseo en su llegada a la isla habitada por cíclopes. Desde WeebleBooks hemos querido recuperar la tradición del mito griego para acercarlo a los más jóvenes en una colección apta para ellos, que les sirva de introducción a este apasionante mundo y que les encienda la curiosidad para profundizar en él.

Animales En Peligro de Extincion

Libro Animales En Peligro de Extincion

"This oversized book introduces children to the alarming number of species that are endangered, threatened or, unfortunately, extinct. It includes amphibians, birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish, devoting an entire page to each animal. Readers will learn the threats facing each one, where each one lives or lived, including the type of habitat, its diet, size, and ongoing conservation efforts."

El amuleto

Libro El amuleto

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Exploremos los minerales de la Tierra (Exploring Earth's Minerals)

Libro Exploremos los minerales de la Tierra (Exploring Earth's Minerals)

Diamonds and salt are both minerals, but diamonds are more rare than salt. Curious readers will learn what physical and chemical conditions must be present for minerals to form. They'll discover how minerals are identified and how they are used in daily life. Informative and interesting text presents readers with this science content in a fun way. A graphic organizer shows how different minerals are identified and fact boxes provide readers with exciting supplementary information.

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