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Gaby, perdida y encontrada

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Gaby, perdida y encontrada

"My name is Gaby, and I'm looking for a home. Having the nicest clothes or cell phone isn't important, but I'd like to have a cat that I can talk to when I'm home alone." When Gaby Ramirez Howard starts volunteering at the local animal shelter, she takes special pride in writing adoption advertisements. Her flyers help the cats and dogs there find their forever homes: places where they'll be loved and cared for, no matter what. Gaby is in need of a forever home herself. Her mother has recently been deported to Honduras and Gaby doesn't know where to turn. Meanwhile, Gaby's favorite shelter cat, Feather, needs a new place to live. Gaby would love to adopt her-- but if Gaby doesn't have a place that feels like home to her, how can she help Feather? Gaby necesita un hogar estable. Su madre ha sido deportada a Honduras y Gaby se siente perdida. Mientras tanto, un gato del refugio de animales donde Gaby trabaja necesita ayuda. ¿Podrá Gaby adoptarlo?

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Total de páginas 224


  • Angela Cervantes


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