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Morir Para Vivir

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Morir Para Vivir

This book prepares the church for a future change. It tells how we got here, where we're going and secrets to a successful transition. Maybe the only most important this is that shows us in a general view the nature of God from a different point of view. That is why this book is not and 'church growth'. Does not talk about paradigms of the past. Does not adopt ideas from the past as something new. It brings a compass that will guide us to a place where no one else have been. It show a picture of the forces that guides this planet and the opportunities for the church in the new millennium. Describe a new word for the new era..a divine word for the digital transcendent image for a transcendent moment. With love and sincerity it will show you the past and describe the 'digital devil' of the future..and most important how the church is going to destroy them. As a devoted Christian and instructor of the Institute of International Worship, Hohstadt give a step to anew vision of worship through the creativity of theology and prophetic metaphors. In his book 'Dying to Live', it combines the erudite abilities and the prophetic understanding that explore the new church from the digital era.

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Total de páginas 198


  • Thomas Hohstadt


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