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Los animales necesitan refugio

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Los animales necesitan refugio

Book Features: • Ages 4-8, Grades PreK-2 • 16 pages, 8 inches x 8 inches • Simple, patterned Spanish text with full-color pictures • Includes comprehension questions, writing prompts, and high frequency words • Graphic organizers and photo glossary included Learn About Animal Life: In Listos para las Ciencias: Los Animales Necesitan Refugio, preschoolers—second graders learn all about the unique homes that different animals make or find, and live in! Science Made Fun: We all live somewhere, but most animals live out in the wild! Young readers learn about the different types of shelters some of their favorite animals live in. Build Reading Skills: This engaging 16-page children’s book will help your child improve comprehension and build confidence with post-reading comprehension questions, writing prompts, and high frequency vocabulary words. Leveled Books: Part of the Listos para las Ciencias series (Ready for Science), the early reading level text and vibrant photos make this kid's book a fun, informative story that teaches kids about animal habitats and their homes. Why Rourke Educational Media: Since 1980, Rourke Publishing Company has specialized in publishing engaging and diverse non-fiction and fiction books for children in a wide range of subjects that support reading success on a level that has no limits.

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