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La Proclamacion De Emancipacion / The Emancipation Proclamation

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Libro La Proclamacion De Emancipacion / The Emancipation Proclamation

Follows the Thirteen the Amendment that freed the slaves, end of the war, and the death of President Abraham Lincoln.

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Total de páginas 48



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This inspiring biographical series ties in with elementary history, science, and social studies curricula, providing teachers with a valuable interdisciplinary resource. With these books, young readers will discover historical figures who devoted their lives to making the world a better place, and changed the course of history. Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.

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Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo (Bad Guys and Gals of the Ancient World) (Spanish Version)

Libro Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo (Bad Guys and Gals of the Ancient World) (Spanish Version)

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Camiones monstruo en acción (Monster Trucks on the Go)

Libro Camiones monstruo en acción (Monster Trucks on the Go)

¡Choque! ¡Mira a ese camión monstruo! Aprenda sobre lo que hacen los camiones monstruosos y cómo funcionan. Esta edición ofrece emocionantes fotografías de color, un glosario de fotos para ayudar a los jóvenes lectores a navegar por el libro y preguntas de pensamiento crítico para ayudar con las habilidades de no ficción en los lectores jóvenes. Crash! Whoa! Watch that monster truck go! Learn about what monster trucks do and how they work. This Spanish-language edition features exciting full-color photographs, a photo glossary to help young readers navigate the book, and...

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