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El Papa Juan Pablo II

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El Papa Juan Pablo II

Pope John Paul II is a remarkable photographic journey documenting the 25 years of the papacy of John Paul II, one of the most remarkable figures of the twentieth century. Spanning from the days when Karol Wojtyla was still a cardinal to his death and the election of today's Pope Benedict XVI, this book contains historical photographs and very personal moments of the life of the pope. These revealing and poignant photographs show the pope in his full humanity, and not just as the former head of the Catholic Church: photographs of the pope laughing, with his clothes blown by the wind, while President Jimmy Carter struggles to help fix them; the pope losing his papal hat while kissing the ground; a beautiful series of six sequential photographs capturing the various intimate expressions of the pope ... all of these give the book a personal feeling. Designed to be the size of an average hand-held bible--and with gold-edged pages and ribbon dividers--this book includes 180 images bound in 306 pages and promises to become a keepsake. The photographs are from the famed agency Contact Press Images, headed by Robert Pledge, who also edited the book.

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Titulo Alternativo : Su Excepcional Trayectoria

Total de páginas 288


  • Contact Press Images


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