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Building Coherence and Cohesion

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Building Coherence and Cohesion

This book examines the resources that speakers employ when building conversations. These resources contribute to overall coherence and cohesion, which speakers create and maintain interactively as they build on each other s contributions. The study is cross-linguistic, drawing on parallel corpora of task-oriented dialogues between dyads of native speakers of English and Spanish. The framework of the investigation is the analysis of speech genres and their staging; the analysis shows that each stage in the dialogues exhibits different thematic, rhetorical, and cohesive relations. The main contributions of the book are: a corpus-based characterization of a spoken genre (task-oriented dialogue); the compilation of a body of analysis tools for generic analysis; application of English-based analyses to Spanish and comparison between the two languages; and a study of the characteristics of each generic stage in task-oriented dialogue.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Task-oriented Dialogue in English and Spanish

Total de páginas 261


  • María Teresa Taboada


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This volume contains material from three medieval Spanish treatises on linguistics: El arte de trobar by Enrique de Villena (1384-1434); the second book of Gramática castellana by Antonio de Lebrija (1444-1522); and the Arte de la poesía castellana by Juan del Encina (1469-1529).

Jederzeit besuchsfähig

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«Ich habe», schreibt Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler einmal an seinen Freund und Kollegen Dietrich Weber, «mir Doderer durch die linke Kritik nicht austreiben lassen, ich lasse mir ihn nun auch nicht durch die neue rechte Hymnik wieder einreden. Diese Maxime tritt zu meinem ersten Fundamentalsatz hinzu: Mir sind die Laster Doderers lieber als die Tugenden seiner Kritiker.» Um Doderers Laster schätzen zu können, bedarf es einer gründlichen Kenntnis seiner Werke, gepaart mit hintersinniger Ironie und einer großen Lust im Umgang mit den Texten. All diese Eigenschaften verband Wendelin...

El abuso de la belleza

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La invención de América mestiza

Libro La invención de América mestiza

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