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Libro Amazonia

From the author of ALTAR OF EDEN and MAP OF BONES comes another fantastic mystery adventure, this time set deep in the Amazon jungle. Out of the inhospitable Amazon rainforest a man stumbles into a missionary village. Soon the CIA operative and former Special Forces soldier, his eyes wide with terror, is dead. The photograph of Agent Clark's corpse in the Brazilian morgue shows two intact upper limbs, yet Agent Clark had only one arm, the other lost to a sniper's bullet. Nathan Rand's father led a scientific mission into the rainforest and never returned - the same expedition that took Clark into the jungle. Now Nate is to follow the elder Rand's trail, along with a team of scientists and experienced US Rangers. For somewhere in the dark, impenetrable depths of Earth's most dangerous region lie mysteries that must be solved...whatever the cost. As Nate Rand and his party push on into the jungle, they are haunted by a truth: that they are not alone. But each step brings the team closer to an ancient, unspoken terror that even the native people dread. As madness, fear and horrific death descend upon the second cursed expedition, those still living must confront a power beyond human imagining - one that can for ever alter the world beyond the dark, lethal confines of the Amazon rainforest for better...and for worse.

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Total de páginas 528


  • James Rollins


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