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Visita a una fábrica de automóviles (A Visit to a Car Factory) (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Visita a una fábrica de automóviles (A Visit to a Car Factory) (Spanish Version)

Learn the many steps that must be followed to make a car! With vibrant, detailed photos, informational, Spanish-translated text, and a chart to show steps of the assembly line, even the most reluctant reader will want to learn more about this fascinating factory!

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Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm)

Libro Visita a una granja (A Visit to a Farm)

Take a trip to the place where cows and horses play and fields of crops grow in this Spanish-translated nonfiction book that tours a farm! Early elementary readers will discover the types of farm animals, crops, and different machinery used to run a farm. With informational text, a picture glossary, a map of the farm, and bright, colorful photos, readers will want to learn all about life on a farm!

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El girasol: Por dentro y por fuera (Sunflower: Inside and Out)

Libro El girasol: Por dentro y por fuera (Sunflower: Inside and Out)

Where did the sunflower come from? How does it grow so tall? How can its thin stalk support such a large and heavy head? These and many other questions are answered in this dazzling book. Using lushly detailed illustrations and photographs, the book takes us inside the sunflower to examine its stem, root system, leaves, and flowering heads, proving an understanding of this unique plant's structure, growth, flowering, reproduction, and cultivation.

Destripando la historia - Los monstruos más chungos

Libro Destripando la historia - Los monstruos más chungos

¡Descubre a los monstruos más bestias e increíbles de toda la historia! ¡Con todo el humor y las ilustraciones desternillantes de Pascu y Rodri, de Destripando la historia! El mundo está plagado de monstruos y es nuestra misión hablarte de los más raros, los más alucinantes y también los que han acompañado a héroes y dioses de todas las mitologías del planeta. Desde el famosísimo Chupacabras hasta el colosal Yeti, pasando por el Minotauro, la Esfinge, los kappas y muchos más... Los bicharracos más locos y fascinantes de todos los tiempos... ¡te están esperando en este libro!...

Pero Sigo Siendo el Rey!/ But I'm still the King

Libro Pero Sigo Siendo el Rey!/ But I'm still the King

The combination of violins, trumpets, sombreros, and song possesses the power to not only lighten the heart but weigh it down as well. This book journeys to the time and place where mariachi music originated and reveals the various musical traditions that combined to form the richest, most popular, and most highly regarded tradition of Mexico. La combinación de violines, trompetas, sombreros y canciones capaces de desgarrar o alegrar el corazón de cualquiera, mexicano o extranjero. Este libro viaja a través del tiempo y las regiones donde se originó el mariachi y descubre las distintas...

¡Sé un buen líder!: Read-Along eBook

Libro ¡Sé un buen líder!: Read-Along eBook

Introduce students to primary sources and the importance of fairness with this engaging book! The primary source images and simple sentences will engage students in reading and build their social studies content knowledge. For use in the classroom or at home, this Spanish book includes a simple glossary and index to introduce informational text features to young readers and provide additional reading support.

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