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The Skinny Jeans Diet

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The Skinny Jeans Diet

97% of dieters fail. Learn the secrets of the 3%—the “it” girls!—with the diet that took the New York-metro area by storm. Thirteen years, fifty pounds, and four jean sizes ago, nutritionist Lyssa Weiss took control of her life for good. Drawing on years of food struggles and an education in nutrition, she created the amazing Skinny Jeans Diet. A few years ago, this specialist in emotional and compulsive eating began holding small-group weight loss meetings at a suburban New York fitness center introducing women to the Skinny Jeans Diet. Supporting and motivating each other, the women swapped food diaries, switched out familiar dishes at mah-jongg and book club, served alternatives to burgers and cake at home and changed the way they ate . . . and spread the word about the amazing Skinny Jeans Diet. A phenomenon was born. Now, Lyssa teaches her secrets to you. In The Skinny Jeans Diet, she offers real life strategies, real nutrition knowledge, real food (from regular supermarkets), realistic diet tips and tricks, and a realistic three-part program that can be individually tailored to your needs. Whether you’re shopping, cooking, eating out, or traveling, The Skinny Jeans Diet will become your essential companion. Lose and keep off the weight, be the best version of you . . . and get back into your favorite skinny jeans forever with The Skinny Jeans Diet!

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Change Your Thinking, Change Your Eating, and Finally Fit into Your Pants!

Total de páginas 215


  • Lyssa Weiss


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