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The First Book of Tenor Solos

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The First Book of Tenor Solos

(Vocal Collection). This is among the most widely used teaching repertoire for singers in the U.S. Over 30 songs in each book, including American and British art songs, folk song arrangements, sacred songs and a sampling of beginning songs in German, Italian, Spanish and French. There is a completely different song selection for each voice type. This edition also includes a unique code for access to online audio of professionally recorded piano accompaniments to assist with practice and performance. Audio can be downloaded or streamed according to personal preference. Contents: All Day on the Prairie (Guion) * All Through the Night (Welsh air) * At the Ball (Tchaikovsky) * The Black Dress (Niles) * Black is the Color of my True Loves Hair (Niles) * Brother Will, Brother John (Sacco) * My Mendip Side (Coates) * Come again, Sweet Love (Dowland) * The Daisies (Barber) * Ein Jungling Liebt ein Madchen (Schumann) * Go, Lovely Rose (Quilter) * He That Keepeth Israel (Schlosser) * I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly (Purcell) * I Love and I Must (Purcell) * Jesu, the very Thought of Thee (Wesley) * Loch Lomond (Dies) * The Lord is my Light (Speaks) * Lydia (Faure) * May Song (Beethoven) * Mistress Mine (Walthew) * Der Mond (Mendelssohn) * My Lady Walks in Loveliness (Charles) * My Lord, What a Mornin' (Johnson) * der Neugierige (Schubert) * Noche Serena (Kilenyi) * Ol' Jim (Edwards) * Orpheus with his Lute (Coates) * Religion is a Fortune (Johnson) * rio Grande (Dougherty) * La Sena (Kilenyi) * Sento Nel Core (Scarlatti) * Silent Worship (Handel) * Standchen (Schubert) * Wayfaring Stranger (Niles) * what Shall I Do to Show How Much I Love Her? (Purcell)

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Total de páginas 140


  • Joan Frey Boytim


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