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The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith Volume 3: A Vintage From Atlantis

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith Volume 3: A Vintage From Atlantis

The third of five volumes collecting the complete stories of renowned “weird fiction” author Clark Ashton Smith. “None strikes the note of cosmic horror as well as Clark Ashton Smith. In sheer daemonic strangeness and fertility of conception, Smith is perhaps unexcelled by any other writer.” —H. P. Lovecraft Clark Ashton Smith, considered one of the greatest contributors to seminal pulp magazines such as Weird Tales, helped define and shape “weird fiction” in the early twentieth century, alongside contemporaries H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, drawing upon his background in poetry to convey an unparalleled richness of imagination and expression in his stories of the bizarre and fantastical. The Collected Fantasies series presents all of Smith’s fiction chronologically. Authorized by the author’s estate and endorsed by Arkham House, the stories in this series are accompanied by detailed background notes from editors Scott Connors and Ron Hilger, who in preparation for this collection meticulously compared original manuscripts, various typescripts, published editions, and Smith’s own notes and letters. Their efforts have resulted in the most definitive and complete collection of the author’s work to date. A Vintage from Atlantis is the third of five volumes collecting all of Clark Ashton Smith’s tales of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. It includes all of his stories from “The Holiness of Azédarac” (1931) to “The God of the Asteroid” (1932), as well as an introduction by Michael Dirda.

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Titulo Alternativo : The Collected Fantasies, Vol. 3

Total de páginas 300


  • Clark Ashton Smith


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