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Regímenes y estados de excepción: América y Europa

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Libro Regímenes y estados de excepción: América y Europa

"Regímenes y estados de excepción : América y Europa" is a book that explores the themes of dictatorship and state terrorism in both the Americas and Europe. The book is organized by Lisandro Cañón and features contributions from various academics who offer their perspectives and insights on the topic. Through these essays, the reader is given a comprehensive understanding of the different forms of dictatorship and state terrorism that have taken place in the Americas and Europe. The authors delve into the causes and consequences of these regimes, as well as the ways in which they have affected the lives of individuals and communities. The authors also consider the prospects for democratic transitions, like in Spain, and the challenges of building sustainable and inclusive democracies after periods of dictatorship and state terrorism. Overall, "Regímenes y estados de excepción : América y Europa" provides a rich and thought-provoking examination of a complex and important issue.

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Total de páginas 126



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