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Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Polanude

In our modern digital age, the polaroid is already becoming a relic of the past. However, the fleeting moment and the uniqueness of it, lend the polaroid a quality beyond its mere merit as a "good" or "bad" photograph. Like a painting, a polaroid becomes an irreplaceable treasure and object of desire, as only one person may own the original. Perfectly lit and composed, these polaroids are Bitesnich's images in miniature, the painterly sketches for later works of art. Though as with most artists, the sketches ultimately become artworks in themselves. AUTHOR Andreas H. Bitesnich started his career as a commercial photographer but is now w idely exhibited and respected in the art world. He has published several books with teNeues including On Form (3-8238-4556-X), Nudes (3-8238-5559-X, and Woman (3-8238-5491-7). SELLING POINTS A collection of polaroid studies for the fine art photography of Andreas H. Bitesnich which succeed in capturing the raw essence of his work. A valuable tool for photographers wishing to learn more about their craft and a treasure trove for all who appreciate the beauty of the male and female nude. ILLUSTRATIONS 110 colour//96 duotone

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Total de páginas 175


  • Andreas H. Bitesnich


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