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Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Minecraft

Este libro oficial de Minecraft contiene el conocimiento colectivo de los supervivientes, un grupo encubierto de expertos cuya existencia data de los días del alfa.Quizá te preguntes por qué nunca escuchaste acerca de nosotros. Pues porque somos así de buenos, El engaño es nuestro segundo nombre. Somos invisibles a menos que queramos ser vistos. Nuestros éxitos son impresionantes: hemos combatido a mobs del mundo real, lidiado con facciones enemigas, instalado bases en el Inframundo, y hemos derrotado al dragón del End en múltiples ocasiones. Estudia este libro con atención y quizá seas capaz de permanecer vivo por tanto tiempo como nosotors - El jefeENGLISH DESCRIPTION"This fictional book contains the collective knowledge of the Survivors -an underground group of Minecraft experts who've been around since the early days of Alpha. Written by the Chief -the leader of the group -it contains their most cunning plans and their most ingenious inventions. On the home front, you'll learn what kind of base best suits your needs, what to stock in your arsenal and how to protect your base with imaginative defensive features. Out in the field you'll learn how to stalk your enemies, how to master the art of practical munitions and how to crush any opponent in hand-to-hand combat. The Chief also shares little-known tips for how to thrive in the Nether and End, and, once you're really confident, how to attempt a speed run to the End dimension. This is the definitive guide to survival in Minecraft. Study it carefully and you might just manage to stay alive as long as they have."

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Titulo Alternativo : El Libro de Los Secretos de Los Supervivientes

Total de páginas 106



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