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Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Memories/Recuerdos

Valerie Knowles Combie paints poetic word pictures of the beautiful Caribbean islands of Antigua and St. Croix. The poems are sectioned into two parts. The first captures the relaxed pace of Antigua’s island life, enjoying the simple passing of time in the appreciation of the island’s beautiful sky, changing weather, plants and animals, and human inhabitants. She also describes what one may encounter in traveling to the island by air. The second part is a collection of thought-poems on life in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Barrack Obama’s presidency, and the island’s changing economy, learning from African-American and Greek history, and sayings to live by. The poems are a window on the writer’s experience.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 78


  • Valerie Combie


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