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Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Honor

"-Macarena López-Roberts: I want to dust off the case and return my father to his rightful place. He had nothing to do with the murders, but he paid dearly to protect his friend Rafi Escobedo. -Angie Calero: Perhaps we will find things that you do not like." This is how this autofiction, fictionalized novel or true fiction begins. The Urquijo case has haunted her family for more than forty years. It is about time to find the formula to avail herself of her right to be forgotten and to erase more than 7,000 existing entries about Mauricio related to the crime of the Marquises - including a photograph of herself, as a child, hugging her father while he was turning himself in to the police to serve ten years in prison for covering up for Rafi Escobedo. Faced with Google's refusal to eliminate the traces on the network, Macarena will make two decisions: hire a hacker to help her with the digital erasure and start an exhaustive investigation together with the journalist Angie Calero: to talk to all the survivors and try to clarify what happened on the morning of August 1, 1980. Who benefited from the deaths of the Marquises of Urquijo? Why haven't their children tried to remove images of their murdered parents from the web? The result? New data on a murder that shocked the beginnings of Spanish Democracy.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : las otras víctimas del crimen de los marqueses de Urquijo

Total de páginas 272


  • Macarena Lopez-roberts Derqui


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