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Esoteric Astrology

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Libro Esoteric Astrology

The science of esoteric astrology is said to be the basic occult science for the future. It will come into its own as the esoteric or soul factors begin to supersede the exoteric focus of the vast majority of professional and amateur astrologers today. This is the science which deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within that field. The Ancient Wisdom teaches that Space is an entity. It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons, that esoteric astrology deals. Esoteric astrology can be applied by the trained worker in a variety of ways; in medicine, psychology, science, education; to an evaluation of human problems, of the destiny of nations, of a correct interpretation of world affairs, and so on. It is necessary, however, that at this stage the application of esoteric astrology to human life should be recognised as experimental and tentative, so that each individual worker can adjust his thinking and his methods according to his own wrought-out experience. to work depend entirely on a consciousness evolving out of control by the personality into the life of the soul, out of separateness and self-centredness into a realisation of unity, and absorption into a centre of group consciousness. Astrology is described in this book as the science of relationships - the relationship existing between all living organisms within the universe. Not only the qualities of the ray energies affect these centres of consciousness, but also the quality and energy of the ruling planets and the zodiacal signs. Seen from the exoteric outside, astrology is a vast and most involved and complex subject. From the esoteric inside, while it is still vast, all-inclusive and complex, it is also possible to perceive the thread which unites and the pattern which prevails throughout the whole system. A basic simplicity in the grand design emerges, therefore, which can serve to interpret the whole. study: (1) The Zodiac and the Rays (2) The Nature of Esoteric Astrology (3) The Science of Triangles (4) The Sacred and Non-Sacred Planets (5) Three Major Constellations (6) The Three Crosses (7) The Rays, Constellations and Planets. In addition there is an appendix which summarises and tabulates many of the factors of fundamental importance to the study of esoteric astrology. This is a book for the true occult student. It may appear to be too highly specialised for some; but every esoteric worker finds eventually that his work requires an understanding of the basic astrological factors which affect all relationships and all forms of life within the ethers of space, so that he may learn how to cooperate intelligently in the evolution of the whole by the right adjustment of the part within that whole; until eventually the many are absorbed into the One. The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919?1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless WisdomCa body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period. writings offer an unparalleled spiritual approach to such subjects as the teaching on Shamballa and the Path of spiritual evolution; the spiritual Hierarchy; the new discipleship and training in meditation as a form of service; the teaching on the seven rays and the new psychology of the soul; the teaching on esoteric astrology; and the new world religion, which emphasizes the common thread of truth linking all the major world faiths.

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Total de páginas 742


  • Alice A. Bailey


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