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Libros de Stephen J. Dubner (3 libros)


Libro Freakonomics

¿Qué resulta más peligroso, una pistola o una piscina? ¿Por qué continúan los traficantes de drogas viviendo con sus madres? Quizás éstas no sean las típicas preguntas que formula un economista, pero el autor no es un economista típico. Es un especialista que estudia la esencia y los enigmas de la vida cotidiana y cuyas conclusiones, con frecuencia, ponen patas arriba la sabiduría convencional. A través de ejemplos prácticos y una sarcástica perspicacia, Levitt y su coautor demuestran que la economía, en el fondo, representa el estudio de los incentivos: el modo en que las...

Think Like a Freak

Libro Think Like a Freak

The New York Times bestselling Freakonomics changed the way we see the world, exposing the hidden side of just about everything. Then came SuperFreakonomics, a documentary film, an award-winning podcast, and more. Now, with Think Like a Freak, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have written their most revolutionary book yet. With their trademark blend of captivating storytelling and unconventional analysis, they take us inside their thought process and teach us all to think a bit more productively, more creatively, more rationally—to think, that is, like a Freak. Levitt and Dubner offer ...

Cuando Robar Un Banco

Libro Cuando Robar Un Banco

When Freakonomics was first published, the authors started a blog--and they've kept it up. In When to Rob a Bank, they ask a host of typically off-center questions: Why don't flight attendants get tipped? If you were a terrorist, how would you attack? And why does KFC always run out of fried chicken?