Biblioteca Libros

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Libros de Sharon Coan (2 libros)

Las estrellas: "Brilla, brilla, estrellita" y "Estrella alumbrada, estrella brillante" (The Stars: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Star Light, Star Bright)

Libro Las estrellas: Brilla, brilla, estrellita y Estrella alumbrada, estrella brillante (The Stars: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Star Light, Star Bright)

As three children look up in the night sky at the stars, three stars look down at the earth at the children. The stars twinkle and the children twirl as they make wishes on each other.

Soy un buen amigo (I Am a Good Friend)

Libro Soy un buen amigo (I Am a Good Friend)

What makes a good friend? Soy un buen amigo (I Am a Good Friend) teaches students about friendship. The clear, text-supported images and simple, repetitive sentences will engage students in reading as they build their social studies content knowledge. For use in the classroom or at home, this Spanish book includes a glossary and index to introduce informational text features to young readers and provide additional reading support.