Biblioteca Libros

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Libros de Santa Montefiore (3 libros)

La sonata de nomeolvides

Libro La sonata de nomeolvides

El Hurlington Club de Buenos Aires es un auténtico rincón de la vieja Inglaterra dentro de Argentina. Allí crece la joven Audrey Garnet. También allí se enamora perdidamente de Louis Forrester, un hombre de espíritu atormentado y brillante, que compone pa

El Ultimo Secreto de Los Deverill

Libro El Ultimo Secreto de Los Deverill

It is 1939 and peace has flourished since the Great War ended. But much has changed for the Deverill family and now a new generation is waiting in the wings. Martha Wallace has lost her heart to the impossibly charming JP Deverill. Discover the dramatic conclusion to the bestselling Deverill Chronicles.

Tiempo de Secretos

Libro Tiempo de Secretos

Arethusa Clayton has always been formidable, used to getting her own way. On her death, she leaves unexpected instructions. Instead of being buried in America, on the wealthy East Coast where she and her late husband raised their two children, Arethusa has decreed that her ashes be scattered in a remote corner of Ireland, on the hills overlooking the sea. All Arethusa ever told Faye was that she grew up in a poor farming family and left Ireland, alone, to start a new life in America as did so many in those times of hardship and famine. But who were her family in Ireland and where are they...