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Libros de Paul Westheim (2 libros)

Arte, religión y sociedad

Libro Arte, religión y sociedad

This little-known book of the author brings together eight approaches to the subject of the relationship between sacred art and profane art; between religion, ritual and aesthetics. Clearly and with abundant examples, Westheim explores how history has changed the significance of the work of art, of being a representation of the divinity or even of herself, to become a museum piece, destined to the valuation of their artistic merits.

Mundo y vida de grandes artistas/ World and lives of great artists

Libro Mundo y vida de grandes artistas/ World and lives of great artists

Para Paul Westheim, la historia del arte se confunde con la vida misma, y es, a un tiempo, una aventura espiritual y una expresi n de las pocas de los hombres; de ah su empe o en mostrar c mo eran realmente los artistas del pasado. As , Westheim ofrece, en este primer volumen, una colecci n de semblanzas de artistas pl sticos del Occidente, de Giotto en el siglo XIII a Gustave Courbet en el siglo XIX.