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Libros de International Monetary Fund (3 libros)

International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2012: Working Together To Support Global Recovery

Libro International Monetary Fund Annual Report 2012: Working Together To Support Global Recovery

The IMF's 2012 Annual Report chronicles the response of the Fund's Executive Board and staff to the global financial crisis and other events during financial year 2012, which covers the period from May 1, 2011, through April 30, 2012. The print version of the Report is available in eight languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish), along with a CD-ROM (available in English only) that includes the Report text and ancillary materials, including the Fund's Financial Statements for FY2012.

Manual del índice de precios de inmuebles residenciales (IPIR)

Libro Manual del índice de precios de inmuebles residenciales (IPIR)

Para la mayor parte de los ciudadanos, la compra de un inmueble residencial —una vivienda— es la operación más importante de toda la vida. Los inmuebles residenciales hogares y, al mismo tiempo, el activo más valioso. Los índices de precios de inmuebles residenciales (IPIR) son números índice que miden el ritmo al que evolucionan los precios de los inmuebles residenciales con el correr del tiempo. Los IPIR son estadísticas fundamentales no solo para los ciudadanos y los hogares del mundo entero, sino también para las autoridades económicas y monetarias. Entre otras cosas, sirven...


Libro Ecuador

Output growth, inflation, and the external current account balance are the major economic developments discussed in this study. The macroeconomic framework was modified to reflect recent information. The reforms in the banking system are helpful in completing the process of dealing with the failed banks. The authorities are contacting international financial experts to manage the debt reductions. Finally, the central government will need to be vigilant in implementing its challenging financing program. The program contains several prior actions to complete the first review.