Biblioteca Libros

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Libros de Flor María Rodríguez-arenas (2 libros)

El Tungsteno / Paco Yunque

Libro El Tungsteno / Paco Yunque

Cesar Vallejo, original innovator and creator, is one of the most important Spanish American poets of the 20th century, whose popularity and universality in Spanish and Latin American Literatures are widely recognized. In addition to his poetic work, Vallejo also wrote theater, journalistic essays and fiction. However, compared with the critical studies of his poetry, there is very little analysis of his other work available. Vallejo's prose fiction, complement and projection of his poetic work, has rarely been studied but it merits close examination. When Vallejo's prose is contextualized...

Novelas y cuadros de la vida sur-americana

Libro Novelas y cuadros de la vida sur-americana

Soledad Acosta de Samper (1833-1913) is the most prolific and important woman writer of the 19th century in Colombia. She is an exceptional representative of Colombian intellectual life of that century, not only for the caliber of her writing, the divergent disciplines that she researched and wrote about, and the intense cultural work that she undertook. An avid reader, in her travels to England and France, she personally lived the debates regarding the public presence of the woman writer, as well as the influence that women should or could exercise in society, especially in the lives of...