Biblioteca Libros

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Libros de F. Isabel Campoy (3 libros)

Chuchurumbe (Flying Dragon)

Libro Chuchurumbe (Flying Dragon)

When you order this book from thePoetry genre of the Puertas al sol or Gateways to the Sun collections, you will receive its correspondingjournal FREE ( Poemas Journal D)

Ratoncito Pérez, cartero

Libro Ratoncito Pérez, cartero

En este libro ilustrado para niños, el cartero entrega cartas, carteles, catálogos, y paquetes a los personajes de cuentos de hadas y otros cuentos folklóricos. Así muestra que, a pesar del Internet, todavía hay necesidad de carteros.

Celebra el dia de Accion de Gracias con Beto y Gaby / Celebrate Thanksgiving Day With Beto and Gaby

Libro Celebra el dia de Accion de Gracias con Beto y Gaby / Celebrate Thanksgiving Day With Beto and Gaby

Beto and Gaby anxiously wait for their relatives to arrive for Thanksgiving dinner. One by one, they each call to inform the family that they will not be able to attend because of a great snowstorm. Suddenly, their grandmother appears with a group of elder friends who have nowhere to have dinner, and the celebration becomes really special. Contains an informative section on Thanksgiving Day.