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Libros de Diane Gonzales Bertrand (3 libros)


Libro Familia

Expecting the family reunion to be boring and devoid of fun, Daniel is pleasantly surprised when he arrives at the gathering and learns the true meaning of family, in an enchanting bilingual story that is filled with beautiful pastel illustrations.

Uncle Chente's Picnic

Libro Uncle Chente's Picnic

A big rainstorm and a power failure during a Fourth of July picnic in honor of Uncle Chente cause a change in plans, resulting in a very special family gathering.

Mago de Los Tacos Y Otros Poemas Para Niños

Libro Mago de Los Tacos Y Otros Poemas Para Niños

Acclaimed children's book author Diane Gonzales Bertrand shares her poems for children ages 8-12 that explore family, friends and other happenings of everyday life.